here i sit


as a new day dawns,

here I sit in my study. It is morning in Salida. The skies are blue, the mountain air crisp as the morning begins. Contrary to what doing something else and grand imagines for me, Jesus is here too with his coat on. He was awake before I was. He has work to do in this Colorado town. For his purposes, he called me, and not you, to enter this joyful and tear-making work with him. If he made this call, the work must matter to him. If I'm the one for it, there must be a wise reason. This means that I have mattering work to do even if in my whole life I never get to do your work—the mattering work you get to do out there that I sometimes restlessly and naively imagine would make me happier or more significant. Please forgive me. I have prayers to say for persons you've never heard of. I'd best get on with this good work of the day. You'd best get on with yours too.

(A paragraph from Zack Eswine’s Imperfect Pastor (p145.2-145.4) that I adapted for my calling and city.)


immigrant’s song


all came to pass