A Prayer to the Creator and Governor of the World
Pray this praise of Adoration to God ~
O [Yahweh], God Almighty, you are the creator and governor of the world, and have abundantly provided for the various wants of your creatures;
you have ordered the day and the night to succeed each other, and when you have refreshed man with sleep, require him to pursue his work until the evening;
you have also ordained that he shall be born to trouble, and have appointed the grave to be the end of all living — we thank you, that, while you have thus placed our lot in this life, you have not left us without hope in that world which is to come.
We adore you for the gift of Jesus [the Messiah], your Son, by whose Good News, life and immortality are brought to light, and we are fully instructed in all those things which concern our salvation.
We bless you for the pardon of sin, through faith in a redeemer;
for the guidance of your providence;
and for the consolations of your Spirit.
We thank you for your holy Sabbaths;
for your written Word;
and for all the other means of grace,
which you have entrusted to us.Amen.