Jesus Has Delivered His Disciples From Hellish Anguish And Torment


From the Heidelberg Catechism (1563) — Lord’s Day 16

Question 40. Why did [the Messiah] have to suffer death?

Because God's justice and truth require it: nothing else could pay for our sins except the death of the Son of God.

Question 41. Why was he "buried"?

His burial testifies that he really died.

Question 42. Since [the Messiah] has died for us, why do we still have to die?

Our death is not a payment for our sins, but only a dying to sins and an entering into eternal life.

Question 43. What further benefit do we receive from [the Messiah’s] sacrifice and death on the cross?

By his power our old man is crucified, put to death, and buried with him, so that the evil desires of the flesh may no longer rule us, but that instead we may offer ourselves as a sacrifice of thanksgiving to him.

Question 44. Why does the creed add, "He descended into hell"?

To assure me during attacks of deepest dread and temptation that [the Messiah] my [Master], by suffering unspeakable anguish, pain, and terror of soul, on the cross but also earlier, has delivered me from hellish anguish and torment.


A Prayer to the Creator and Governor of the World


He Is A Faithful Father