Light-filled Leaves
Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. (Gen.1:3)
I was on a hike to The Crater, just outside of the town we love and live within — Salida, Colorado. While doing so, I saw this….
And then I returned home, made some Joshua Tree Coffee (the First Roast), and to go along with it, I warmed up a remarkable cinnamon swirl muffin my wife made this past Wednesday night for Family Night @ Grace. Then I sat down with Wendell Berry’s This Day: Collected and New Sabbath Poems.
And I saw this…
To sit and look at light-filled leaves
May let us see, or seem to see,
Far backward as through clearer eyes
To what unsighted hope believes:
The blessed conviviality
That sang Creation's seventh sunrise,
Time when the Maker's radiant sight
Made radiant every thing He saw,
And every thing He saw was filled
With perfect joy and life and light,
His perfect pleasure was sole law;
No pleasure had become self-willed.For all His creatures were His pleasures
And their whole pleasure was to be
What He made them; they sought no gain
Or growth beyond their proper measures,
Nor longed for change or novelty.
The only new thing could be pain.(emphasis mine)