he works with us


“When the Master, Jesus, had spoken with them, he was taken up into heaven, and sat down at God’s right hand. They went out and announced the message everywhere. The Master worked with them, validating their message by the signs that accompanied them.” (Mark 16:19-20)


We’ll go out and announce the message of the Good News each day to those around us — our families, our friends, the people in our communities that we don’t yet know, but yet know — and what this text makes clear is that…

…our Master is working with us, by the empowering presence of his Holy Spirit.

Look at it in the text. Do you see it up there?

Isn’t that something?!

I read this recently and was just bowled over. I can’t believe we get to do the work of proclaiming the Good News of what Jesus has done, that we’ve been sent to do that (Romans 10:14-15), and that we have our Sovereign Savior right there beside us, working along with us.

I mean, what isn’t possible with Jesus by our sides?!


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a prayer for the weak