a prayer for the weak


Be gracious to me, Yahweh, for I am weak…(Psalm 6:2)

My Father,

My unbelief is fading. You have revealed yourself most fully in your Son, who made heaven and earth, who rescues the world, who has rescued me in love. And I have seen Jesus, through your Word, by your Spirit. Thank you.

My sins are obvious. I see that I love my own life more than I love Jesus. I love other people more than I love Jesus. And I love people so poorly.

Why am I so concerned about reputation? When will I be able to live in such a way that I have nothing I need to defend and self-protect?

I am a mere child. I am just beginning to see the freedom you have given me in Jesus. Freedom from condemnation, Satan himself, the power of sin, death, and any laws that cause me to look to my own works as my rock and fortress.

I want to be a true child who sees that he is tucked into Jesus, placed on a rock, never alone. Never alone.

Yet in all this I can boast that I know you and am known by you. You, “Yahweh who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness.”

I have seen Jesus, my High Priest, our High Priest, and I will do as he says. I will draw near with confidence.

Yes, and very amen, in Jesus’ name.

— a prayer from Ed Welch, in A Small Book About Why We Hide: How Jesus Rescues Us From Insecurity, Regret, Failure, and Shame, p 138-139.


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