where sin multiplied, grace multiplied even more
the great balance of the christian life…
I’m a sinner. As such, two things are required of me. Confession of my sin to my Father, and the reception of comforting pardon from the same.
Confession of Sin
Father, I do not deserve a glimpse of heaven, and I am unable with my works to redeem myself from sin, death, the devil, and hell. Nevertheless, you have given me your Son Jesus Christ, who is far more precious and dear than heaven, and much stronger than sin, death, the devil, and hell. For this I rejoice, praise, and thank you, O God. Without cost and out of pure grace you have given me this boundless blessing in your dear Son. Through him you take sin, death, and hell from me, and do grant me all that belongs to him. Amen.
Martin Luther
Assurance of Comforting Pardon
Yet [JESUS] himself bore our sicknesses,
and he carried our pains;
but we in turn regarded him stricken,
struck down by God, and afflicted.
But he was pierced because of our rebellion,
crushed because of our iniquities;
punishment for our peace was on him,
We all went astray like sheep;
we all have turned to our own way;
and Yahweh has punished him
for the iniquity of us all.
Isaiah 53:4-6
(selections from Be Thou My Vision: A Liturgy For Daily Worship)