one source


many are the desires of our hearts

I am often surprised at the strength and depth of my own desires, and the attendant discontentment that may follow. And over my life, I have found myself running this way and that, to this source or that source, to sate my thirst in various areas.

At any given time, among other desires, I have found myself longing for

  • deep refreshment for my weary soul,

  • wisdom,

  • joy to the point of rejoicing,

  • enlightenment,

  • truth,

  • riches,

  • sweet experiences,

  • discernment of danger,

  • and great rewards.

I wonder if you can relate to my longings?

And I wonder how many places we have both run to, frantically chasing down what at times felt like very elusive prey.

At the risk of coming off as very simplistic: did you know there is one source where you can find satisfaction for every desire listed above? I was wonderfully reminded of this the other morning by King David, who wrote of his experience and discovery thousands of years ago. He speaks with conviction and confidence of the power of the Words of God to supply all we need, meeting all our desires, because it walks us to the fountainhead of satisfaction.

Do you long for your soul to be revived?

The instructions of the Lord are perfect, 
reviving the soul.  (Psalm 19:7)

Have you ever felt lacking in your thoughts, struggled to know, desired wisdom?

The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, 
making wise the simple. (Psalm 19:7)

Are you hoping for joy to break forth from deep inside, expressed with shouts of rejoicing?

The commandments of the Lord are right, 
bringing joy to the heart. (Psalm 19:8)

Do you seek to have the kind of understanding that shines forth, with a glimmer in your eye?

the commandment of the Lord is pure, 
enlightening the eyes; (Psalm 19:8)

Tired of all the lies, confusion, and deception, and hungry for truth?

The laws of the Lord are true
each one is fair. (Psalm 19:9)

What if you could get your hands on something of great preciousness, making you more wealthy than if you had many bars of fine gold?

The laws of the Lord are true; 
each one is fair. 
They are more desirable than gold
even the finest gold. (Psalm 19:9-10)

Have you ever exclaimed, given an experience, “That was sweet!” What you like to taste that again?

The laws of the Lord are true; 
each one is fair.
They are sweeter than honey
even honey dripping from the comb. (Psalm 19:9-10)

Consider a guide that could warn you of all kinds of dangers

[The laws of the Lord] are a warning to your servant…(Psalm 19:11)

And what if you had a series of instructions that would lead you to great reward?

[The laws of the Lord are] a great reward for those who obey them. (Psalm 19:11)

Isn’t it remarkable what can be discovered in just a few sentences, in just one chapter, of the hundreds and hundreds of pages of the story of God found in the Holy Spirit inspired book we call the Bible? There is so much more there, and I hope that this little sampling has whet your appetite to go to the one source where all your desires may be satisfied and all your needs met.


I believe that with all my heart.

And now,

May the words of our mouths
and the meditation of our hearts 
be pleasing to you, 
O Yahweh, our rock and our redeemer. 
(Psalm 19:14, with slight adjustment to make it for us, and not just me.)


heaven and earth


the flower