He Suffered In Every Sense

Reflect on these words about the passion of the KING Jesus — 

In his head he suffered from the crown of piercing thorns;
in his hands and feet, from the driven nails;
on his face from the blows and spittle;
and over his entire body from the lashes of the whip.
Moreover, he suffered in all his bodily senses:
in touch, by being scourged and nailed;
in taste, by being given vinegar and gall to drink;
in smell, by being nailed to the cross in a place reeking with the stench of corpses, "which is called Calvary";
in hearing, by being tormented with the cries of blasphemers and scorners;
in sight, by beholding the tears of his mother and of the disciple whom he loved.

Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)


O Sweet Exchange!


Gethsemane is not about conflict, it’s about love.