So Dear a Person

Reflect on these words about the passion of the Lord Jesus:

God so loved the world, that he seemed for a time not to love his Son in comparison to it, or equal with it.

The person to whom a gift is given is in that regard accounted more valuable than the gift or present made to him. Thus God valued our redemption above the worldly happiness of the Redeemer, and sentenced him to a humiliation on earth, for the purpose of our exaltation in heaven.

He was desirous to hear him groaning, and see him bleeding,
that we might not groan under his frowns, and bleed under his wrath.
He spared not him,
that he might spare us;
refused not to strike him,
that he might be well pleased with us;
drenched his sword in the blood of his Son,
that it might not for ever be wet with ours, but that his goodness might for ever triumph in our salvation.
He was willing to have his Son made man and die,
rather than man should perish, who had delighted to ruin himself.

He seemed to degrade him for a time from what he was. But since he could not be united to any but to an intellectual creature, he could not be united to any viler and more sordid creature than the earthly nature of man. And when this Son in our nature prayed that the cup might pass from him, goodness would not suffer it, to show how it valued the manifestation of itself in the salvation of man, above the preservation of the life of so dear a person.

Stephen Charnock (1628-1680)


Oh the Depth of Jesus’s Love to Sinners!


Righteousness, Life, and Blessing