He’s Weaving a Marvelous Story with Your Life

“Look once more to Jesus.”

I bless you in the name of the Messiah,
and ask that in his great mercy
he would not be silent when you cry out to him —
that in the trials that await you
his presence would be near.
May you be surrounded by the ministry of Heaven
and the fellowship of the saints.

Take comfort in this —
that the Father sees your heart:
how, despite many stumbles and falls along the way,
it stubbornly clings to his grace.

The dreams and desires within you are seen by him:
your yearning for beauty;
your capacity for great and glorious things.
May he bring them to fruition!
May the garden you’ve been tending burst forth with life!
May you be a living example of the faithfulness of God
and the power of his Good News.

For he is not distant,
cloistered in a castle in the sky;
he is near —
Weaving a marvelous story with your life.

While others hope in temporal things —
in power and privilege;
money and merit;
building houses on shifting sand —
look once more to Jesus.
Find in him a deeper joy.

May your heart swell with the hope of New Creation,
anchored by the promises of God,
and so outlast these passing things.

Come, Master, Jesus,
bring us into your eternal kingdom.
Yes, and very amen, in your precious name!

(A prayer based on Psalm 20, from Sheltering Mercy: Prayers Inspired by the Psalms, by Ryan Walker Smith & Dan Wilt)


Mountain Morning


World Without End