Let’s Go For the Jugular
Missions demands prayer. Both for something, and against someone.
30 Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, through our Lord Jesus Christ and through the love of the Spirit, to strive together with me in prayers to God…
(Romans 15:22-24a, Christian Standard Bible)
Christopher Ash:
“We must keep our main focus in prayer on the main task of the Good News. Paul asks them to ‘join me in my struggle’ and his struggle was the Good News struggle. We must go for Satan’s jugular in our prayers, and not get distracted into majoring on minor skirmishes.
I imagine Satan briefing his junior devils:
‘I’m afraid we can’t stop them praying altogether. Some of them have got in the habit. But let’s divert them from the jugular, and get them aiming for my little toe. See if you can get them to spend all their prayer time praying about physical illness. When their circumstances are difficult, get them to focus on praying on asking that things will get easier. Don’t, whatever you do, let them pray for courage and faithfulness to Jesus in the midst of their difficult circumstances. I don’t mind too much if their health returns or their circumstances get easier; but I mind very much if they are loyal witnesses to Jesus, ambitious proclaimers, and servants of the Good News.”
Let’s strive together, dear reader, in missions prayers.
Let’s go for the jugular.