praise and honor


from a book of public prayer, pray this praise to God…

We praise and honor you, Lord God Almighty, for all your mercy and loving-kindness shown to your people.
We bless you for the goodness that freely chose us to salvation before the world began.
We thank you for creating us after your own image; for redeeming us, when we were lost, with the precious blood of Christ; for sanctifying us by your Spirit in the revelation and knowledge of your Word; for your help and support in our necessities, your fatherly comfort in our tribulations; for saving us in the dangers of body and soul, and giving us so long a time of repentance.
We acknowledge, most merciful Father, to have received these benefits from your goodness alone, and we implore you to continue to be gracious to increase our thankfulness to you, kindling our hearts with pure and fervent love.
Help us not to receive your Word in vain, but graciously assist us always, in heart, word, and deed, to sanctify and worship your holy name; through Jesus Christ our Lord.



if we love one another


subversive spirituality