grace superabounded


a prayer of praise

You, Yahweh, are patience, and pity, and sweetness, and love;
therefore we sons of men are not consumed.
You have exalted your mercy above all things,
and have made our salvation,
not our punishment, your glory;
so that there, where sin abounded, not death,
but grace superabounded.
where we had sinned beyond any help in heaven or earth,
then you said, “Lo, I come!”
Then did the Master of life,
unable of himself to die,
contrive to do it.
He took flesh, he wept, he died;
for his enemies he died;
even for those that derided him then, and still despise him.
Blessed Savior!
Many water could not quench your love,
nor no pit overwhelm it.
But, though the streams of your blood were coursing through darkness, grave, and hell,
yet by these your conflicts,
and seemingly hazards,
did you arise triumphant,
and therein made us victorious.

George Herbert


a prayer for before you listen to the sermon tomorrow morning


all we need