He Came Down From Heaven To Seek Mankind
In this Advent season, reflect on these words about the incarnation of Jesus:
Thanks be to God, He is a Savior who seeks the lost, who with eyes supernaturally farsighted discerns us a long way off, and draws our interest to Himself by the sweet constraint of His grace, till we are face to face with Him and our soul is saved.
As once, in the incarnation, He came down from heaven to seek mankind, so He still comes down silently from heaven in the case of each sinner, and pursues his search for that individual soul following it through all the mazes of its waywardness and the devious paths of its folly, sometimes unto the very brink of destruction, till at last His grace overtakes it and says, "I must lodge at your house." For, besides the divine omniscience here manifested, we are made witnesses of the Lord's sovereign and almighty power.
Geerhardus Vos (1862-1949)